After being in somewhat of a fashion dry spell and feeling very uninspired for a bit, I have finally gotten back into the swing of things. This internet and Instagram world sometimes gets a bit overwhelming for me and it all ended up in a big case of writer’s block. I don’t know about you, but sometimes the Social Media world is just getting in my head too much, and I start to think: “Oh, wait… everybody else is posting XYZ, so I should too, everybody is wearing this, so I should too, Everybody is taking Outfit photos every day… so I should too”.
Over the past few weeks, I have realized, that this kind of thinking is exactly what bores me so much as a consumer of other blogs and Instagram accounts: when everybody is doing the same! So, I have made a little resolution for myself to stop worrying about missing out on a certain trend and to just wear what I like to wear. In fact, I have made it my mission to not look at any other fashion accounts! I want to be more mindful, about what I wear and stay true to my personal sense of Fashion.
Today, I am showing you my favourite two new items: first of all this (I mean come on, how pretty is this bag?!) and secondly this . The mom Jeans by Zara are a few months old but have definitely become one of my favourite pair of jeans and the black sandals are a sale find from last year by Bershka.
// // // // // // NECKLACE: Adinas Jewels //
// // // // // // NECKLACE: Adinas Jewels //
July 29, 2017 at 1:07 amwow! great
August 3, 2017 at 12:05 pmWas für ein windervoller Look, liebe Vivienne. Ich mag deine Kombinationen total gerne.
LG Jasi
August 3, 2017 at 9:37 pmDankeschön, Jasi – das ist unheimlich lieb von dir! <3
August 11, 2017 at 1:34 pmso tolle Fotos… ich bin ganz begeistert von deinem Look ;-)
weiter so
Liebe Grüße Biggi ;-)))
August 11, 2017 at 4:17 pmDankeschön für deine lieben Worte, Biggi!