Feel Wunderbar earns compensation from advertising, the rewardStyle affiliate program and brand collaborations. This means if you click on an affiliate link through to a retailer and purchase something, I may receive a very small amount or percentage of your purchase. This does not add any additional cost to you, the consumer.
Feel Wunderbar is a mixture of products purchased by myself as well as samples. Any products that have been gifted will be marked as “c/o” or “*”.
I am in no way obligated to review products that were sent to me in a positive light. I am not obligated to review all samples and what goes on my website is up to my discretion.
It’s rare, but I may accept sponsored content on Feel Wunderbar, which means I am financially compensated to publish a campaign or article. These posts will only be published if I feel the content is relevant to this website and will always be clearly marked as sponsored content.
I do not post anything that doesn’t reflect my own personal style. I also don’t put anything on the blog that I would not purchase and wear for myself. This blog and my integrity means so much to me and a lot more than any potential earning.
Thank you so much for all of your support and for following, you have no idea how much it means to me!
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