
Tropical Summer Patterns to combat Autumn Melancholy

Another day, another outfit. Not really the most enthusiastic way to start a blog post now write about an outfit – but hey, cut a girl some slack. Let’s be completely honest – we have all been there, where we think and we think and all our minds can come up with is not some witty story that eloquently integrates the fashion topic of choice, but rather “Here is an outfit. I like it and maybe so do you, Bye…”.

I have always truly admired good writers. People, that can capture a story with just the right words and pull you right into their storyline. Unfortunately, as much as I tried, I was never one of them. Every paragraph was hard work for me and even though writing was something I was passionate about, there never really was that certain “je ne sais quoi” that distinguishes a good writer from an average to a bad one. So I tried to get better and listened to a lot of advice from people who were much more talented in the writing department than I was.
The interesting thing was, they all had one thing in common: In order to get better, you need to write more, they said. Huh… could the solution to something so complex really be so simple?! More practice? Something that actually just makes sense? To be honest, I don”t know. As with every skill, there is certainly always a factor of talent and there will always be people who won’t have to try as hard as you. Some people call them naturals – but it doesn’t even matter. What matters is, that I am capable of giving it a shot to potentially could get better with more practice. So that is where I am at. Practicing.

Are there things you always wanted to be better at?! I would love to hear about them & share your little story!

And of course, I don’t want to leave you hanging and not write a single word about this outfit – a tropical kimono combination (was is even a surprise to anyone?!) to combat the early autumn melancholy, that is forced upon us everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I love fall, with its moodyness, the colder weather, the rich colors – but I am just not there yet, you feel me? Until at the least the middle of September I am still in Summer Mode – after that, we can maybe talk Indian Summer – but a full blown Fall conversation is currently not in my vocabulary. So here you go with an outfit, that screams summer: Tropical prints, flowy tops and strappy sandals accompanied by the best summer accessory ever: a little tan! I hope you like it xo

// // ZARA Jeans & Top // // // HOUSE OF VI Jewelry //




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    August 31, 2017 at 9:24 am

    Tolles Sommer-Outfit!

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    August 31, 2017 at 10:45 am

    Der Kimono sieht absolut zauberhaft an dir aus <3

    Liebe Grüße
    Luise | http://www.just-myself.com

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    August 31, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    great look!

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    September 6, 2017 at 11:36 pm

    I think you’re a great writer and your English is fantastic, specially for only living here for a short amount of time. In fact, the first time I met you I assumed you’d lived here for years. Cut yourself some more slack, girl. Oh, and I love your outfit too! :)

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